Useful Chinese Language Collections

About Chinese Language >> more

Benefits of Studying Chinese
Chinese language is becoming increasingly important in the contemporary world. Having a good command of Mandarin Chinese can be beneficial for career advancement and for those who are interested in Chinese culture.

How Long Does It Take to Learn Chinese?
It depends on your gift for language-learning as well as the time you are able to dedicate to learning it. There are a few things you can do to help yourself and speed up your learning process.

Where Is the Best Place to Study Chinese?
The northeastern provinces of China are still the best places to study and practice Chinese. Many learners choose to go to Hebei, Heilongjiang, and Liaoning. These provinces are where native Mandarin speakers speak with the clearest accent. Here are a few cities that are excellent choices for Mandarin study and use in everyday life.

Insider’s Guide to Chinese Study Hacks
Vocabulary plays an important role in learning new languages and Chinese is no exception. Of course, attending a regular course is essential but it may not be enough. Everybody has a different learning style, as well. Here are 6 smart ways to quickly improve your Chinese vocabulary based on your learning style.

Free Chinese Learning Tips
Useful and free Chinese learning tips for Chinese language learners are offered. Topics include Chinese pinyin, Chinese tones, Chinese characters and more.

Chinese Speaking >> more

Chinese Alphabet
Chinese pinyin is a phonetic system to help people learn Chinese easier and make sense of it quicker. The alphabet is the key tool for learning Mandarin Chinese as it encompasses every sound in Mandarin Chinese.

Chinese Pinyin – Vowels
In Chinese language classes, Chinese teachers often use pinyin, a way of writing Chinese using the Roman alphabet, to teach students Chinese pronunciation.

Chinese Pinyin – Consonants
Consonants are another part of pinyin. Learn to correctly pronounce consonants now!

Chinese Conversation Lessons
The Chinese conversation lessons cover a wide range of topics and are designed for those who want to learn to communicate freely in day-to-day Chinese.

Chinese Reading >> more

Learn How to Say “Lose Face”
How do you say “lose face” in Mandarin Chinese? What are the culture connotations?

A Chinese Ghost Story
Are you familiar with any Chinese ghost stories? Have you heard of the famous novel “Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio?

Chinese Writing 

Tips on Chinese Writing
Chinese people pay considerable attention to format and use of words in formal situations.

The Importance of Learning Chinese Writing
Nowadays more and more people are beginning to learn Mandarin Chinese. For the most part, however, they are only focusing on learning how to speak the language.

Learn Chinese Characters
There are over 80,000 Chinese characters, but most of them are seldom used today. So how many Chinese characters do you need to know?

Basic Rules of Stroke Order
Every Chinese character is made up of a number of strokes, or single movements of the pen or writing brush. The order and direction in which the strokes are made are very important in producing uniform characters, and learning the basic rules of stroke order can also ease the process of learning to write.

Chinese Grammar >> more

Basic Sentence Patterns in Chinese
When you start to learn Chinese language, you will notice a few similarities between the structures of the Chinese language and those of English. In fact, the basic sentence pattern in Chinese language, “S-V-O”, is the same as that in English.

How to Express Yes-or-no Questions

Chinese Culture >> more

24 Solar Terms
“Li Dong (立 冬)” is the Beginning of Winter on the lunar calendar! Li Dong is the 19th solar term. There are 24 Solar Terms.

Top 7 Cultural Taboos in China
Every country has its own list of no-no’s, so what about in China? What are the taboos? Let’s take a look.

Interpersonal Relationships in Chinese Culture
Every culture has its own morals and societal frameworks that the citizens find very important to uphold. A place to start this cultural journey is by understanding “人情 (rénqíng)”, which can help students understand and be a part of life in China. So what is “人情 (rénqíng)”?

Learn Chinese Culture from Chinese Traditional Opera
Chinese traditional operas, of a long history and well established, are one of the cultural and artistic forms of the Chinese nation. These ancient types of drama are still active on China’s stages today.

Mandarin E-books >> Download

eChineseLearning offers a selection of Chinese language e-books. The e-books are specially designed and carefully selected by our professional Chinese teachers. All the content is provided in both Pinyin and Characters, along with pictures and English translations. Every e-book has a different focus: popular words, nursery rhymes, etc.

Free Podcast Chinese Lessons >> more

Free podcast lessons and learning materials for Chinese learners of all levels (beginner, intermediate and advanced) are offered.

Get a Chinese Name >> more

Do you want to have a Chinese name? We’ll help you choose Chinese names during our one-to-one Chinese language classes.

eChineseLearning Dictionary >> more

Learn Chinese language with the help of a Chinese-English dictionary. And best of all, you can get one-to-one support from a professional Chinese teacher!

1 thought on “Useful Chinese Language Collections”

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